Earlier we had friends and family get together to celebrate Ben turning three (THREE!!!) years old. The weather was supposed to be horrific but turned out not too shabby. Cool but no rain, so we can't complain. Such a fun day!

The four of us in a photo together...this never happens!

This picture seriously warms my heart. Little children holding hands and running through a field is the best thing you can ever see happen in real life. And when one of them is your own little one, no less. Ugh, my heart!!!!

Spoiled rotten, yes he was. But very very grateful for all of it, I promise!

Was it a Thomas cake? Of course it was!

Selfies with my mom and boys, the best kind of selfie!
After everyone left we stayed a bit and Ben played in, well, the dirt for a while. But I couldn't complain, he was pretty into that dirt.

Thank you SO much to everyone who joined us, Ben was over the moon! We are so lucky to be surrounded but such cool people.
And here is proof that Ben had a thoroughly fun and tiring day. Dirty knees and all. <3

happy birthday and wish a long and prosper life to little Ben ;) xoxo