Tuesday, 5 November 2013

At the art gallery

On Saturday we headed down to the art gallery to wander and drink coffee and take in all the creativity. Alas, they took away our coffee (ya) and Ben was pretty fussy the whole time, and there was a gallery security guard with a cheesy ponytail who was giving us the side-eye the entire time (ensuring we kept our kids hands off everything, of course). But, it was still ok! 




This was easily the best piece there. It's the most incredible installation by Kim Adams. I could have looked at it for hours, but ponytail guy would have been pissed.



No smiles for you Mommy. Not today.


Um, Creepiest thing ever. Also, brilliant? 


This room was all paintings done with dice rolled in ink. I mean, I loved it. 

One of these days I'd like to get out to another gallery, I'll just have to remember to sneak my coffee in with a flask...

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