Dear Ben,
TWO YEARS OLD. How is it possible? I remember seeing your dad carry you up our front stairs for the first time in what feels like a few days ago. I hardly remember our lives before you!
I feel lucky, every single day, being the one who gets to be your Mom. Seeing your face light up when you see the swings at the park, they way you get SO excited when you see trucks or balloons or planes. Your little eyes sparkle at everything you see and I feel like I'm seeing it all for the first time with you.
You are so smart, so kind, so gentle and loving. The sweetest little boy we've ever known.
Your Dad and I could not possible love you more. You have made us both as happy as we could ever be. Thank you for being the best thing that ever happened to us, sweet boy.
The best is yet to come with you, we know it. But these first two years could not have been better. And my how you have grown <3
A series of pictures on the same chair every month is genius, this is lovely!