It's February! YAY! We're almost there spring, we're surviving all this cold and we're waiting to throw on flip-flops and shorts....just a few more weeks (months? meh whatever) and it will be sunny and not freezing!! Oh I can't wait.
The last week has been very busy, it was my birthday! So ya, I'm getting older by the second, not awesome, but my birthday was really great this year. On the weekend before it my friends all came out for dinner and drinks at our place, it was perfect. I did get a few pictures but because we were in a pub they didn't turn out great...
On my actual birthday, a miracle happened and Billy had a weekday off, yay! I laid around for a good part of the day in pajamas watching Breakfast at Tiffany's, and then my boys took me out for some shopping and for a really nice dinner. Ben was so well-behaved at the restaurant too which was another birthday miracle (he hasn't always been the greatest with restaurants).
How cute are these two walking together? Also, how heartbreaking is it that my tiny newborn baby can walk around and wear proper jeans and say things like 'robot'. Tears.
After Ben was in bed Billy and I watched movies and he gave me my present which was flowers, chocolates and (gulp) a day at the spa. OH MAN, might be the best present of my life. I've never done a day at the spa, and it always kind of felt like it was something people just did in the movies and not something that us real folks get to do but I'm doing it!!! I can't waitttttt.
Overall, such a great birthday with my boys. I love them to death. Thank you Billy and Ben for being the people I get to spend my days with. xoxo
(We also had another birthday party to attend which I'll post about soon and include, yes, more Instagram pictures. Who else is sick to death of Instagram photo dumps? Are there really any people seeing these pictures for the first time? Why am I even blogging when this is all old Instagram news? I guess that's a whole other story...)
happy belated birthday