Wednesday, 11 July 2012

Five Questions /// Bluebird Kisses


I've been a devoted reader of Ana's blog for ages now. She is the epitome of a Supermom. She'll deny it, but it's true. She has a career, she blogs, takes care of her family including making the most healthy meals from scratch, on top of looking fab every single day. I hope one day I have my act together a fraction of what she does! 

Her blog, Bluebird Kisses, is so pretty. She posts gorgeous pictures, and shares her wisdom (she's a total Mom expert).


I HAD to ask her to join in on the 5Q fun. Here's what she had to say.


What do you like most about writing Bluebird Kisses?

I like getting feedback and feeling like I connect with other moms that are like me, and share the same interests.  I was the first out of my close friends to have a baby and that was tough for me.  I didn't have anyone to act as a sounding board, or to offer helpful advice.  The blog gives me that.  I post and without doubt someone out in the bloggosphere has had/has a similar experience.

Where do you see you/your blog in the next few years?

Quite honestly I'm not sure.  I love writing my blog, its fun to watch it grow and develop.  But I don't have time to make it a business.  I own my own company...with one  But I like that.  And I like my day job, so I don't know exactly where the blog fits in.  Sometimes opportunities come out of the blue though so I'm leaving it open. As long as I'm enjoying the blog, I will continue to post.

How do you find time just for YOU?

On weekends when Johannes naps for 2-3 hours, I have imposed mandatory "time out" for me as well.  When he sleeps and I'm at home, I don't touch the computer, or my phone.  I crawl into my bed and read a book.  That's "me" time.  I stopped caring if the dishes were done, or if lunch was already made.  I try to get those things done before he naps, and I let J help in his own way, so we do it together.  But baby naps = me time now.  And it makes a huge difference.

What’s a typical day in your busy life like?

A work day?  We wake up at 6am, J has his milk while I eat breakfast...on my lap.  I shower while my husband watches him, then we get dressed and we're out the door by 7:15am.

I drop off J at my grandma's at about 8am hang for a bit, then am off to the office, where I stay until 3 or 4pm.

I do my groceries during lunch or on my way home, or if I don't have groceries to do I go to the gym. 

I pick up J around 4:30 or earlier and drive downtown.

I cook dinner and we eat at 6pm.  By 6:30 we go outside for a walk. 

Baby bath and bed at 7:15pm.

If its a gym day, I go to the gym at 7:30-8:30pm (I have one in my building which helps with zero transit time).

Come upstairs, do some work for work, while having a shake.  

Blog for an hour or so.

Bed by 11 or 12.

Do you have any advice for someone who wants to start a blog/business?

Be honest about what you want to accomplish with the blog.  Is it for profit or for pleasure, or both.  Depending on what your end goal is, different steps need to be taken.  The blogging market is huge, and there are many successful and amazing bloggers who are willing to share their insight...for free.  So email a few of them, and ask them for advice or direction.  Some might not reply, but at least one will and their advice could be really helpful.  Blog about what you love, ultimately you want people to read your blog who feel they can connect with you. And take good quality photographs.  Everyone loves to look at pretty pics :)


Thanks so much Ana! I absolutely love her 'me-time' during nap-time. I think I need to adopt this strategy. Ben wakes up and I'm scrubbing floors, frantic and annoyed that he only slept for 20 minutes. Sigh. 

(You can read previous Five Questions posts here.) 


  1. I like this series! Going to check out her blog right now!

  2. Thank you so much for having me Adriane, and for your very flattering introduction. I adore your blog too and love reading it daily.

  3. No kidding that she's a supermom! That description of a typical day makes this stay-at-home mom feel like quite the lazy bum. I look forward to reading Ana's blog!


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